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Peeling the Onion

Peeling the Onion - Annamaya Kosha (Gross Sheath) to Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Sheath). We will attempt to look into some very important questions. Working with the gross body requires thought. Thought is also used to begin the penetration into deeper layers, viz., from Sthula Sarira (Gross Body) to Sukshma Sarira (Subtle Body) towards Karana Sarira (Causal Body) and into the Atma (Self). Can thought ever make such a penetration? What does it mean to still the mind? What is the significance of Cakras? What is the nature of true freedom? How is the pattern of ego-centric activity broken? What is the content of Consciousness? How are the asana and the pranayamas related to all this?

For more general description refer to General Approach in Yoga Classes and Workshops.

In this workshop, the art of working with yoga will be explored for teachers as well as students. This inquiry into the yoga practice will be directed towards understanding the Self beginning with asana practice and looking into the nature of thought. This workshop is appropriate for those who have been practicing yoga for at least one year.

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